
Jennifer Mascaro
Google review 12/24/2019

They did an amazing job! They offer a lifetime warranty on the windshield including free rock chip repair! If you need a new windshield or tint I highly recommend them!!!

Jaime Briceño
Google review 12/21/2019

Vesta Darger
Google review 12/12/2019

These guys are amazing! Replaced my passenger door window on my Honda Accord same day i called them. Prices are much lower then the other places. Will recommend them to all my family and friends!!

Mike H
Google review 12/6/2019

John Miller
Google review 11/19/2019

Did a great job

Gabriel Goldner
Google review 11/11/2019

Susan Naeata
Google review 10/26/2019

My husband and grandson

Karina D.
Yelp review 10/20/2019

Really great customer service, friendly staff, great pricing as well. Super satisfied!

Ross Murray
Google review 10/11/2019

This company gave me an awesome.price. did a great job. Even went the extra mile to take out some rust in the area behind the glass at no charge

Meredith Beckstead
Google review 10/4/2019

They were great working around my schedule. Very friendly.

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